Nidra recordings
Please help yourself to any and all of the yoga nidra recordings featured below.
Play them from here, or download to your device. I've aimed to keep them short and sweet so that you can plug in when you need a 20 min pick-me-up (or a 20 min deep dive, for that matter.)
A note on nidra- these meditations are designed for you to practice while lying comfortably: use your couch, your bed, or a yoga mat and some blankets. Please ensure your comfort first and then hit play.
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Let’s get to our practice
The Liminal Practice
We explore the in-between space, or the liminal, through this dream-like practice. The journey to this place is not achieved through effort, but rather through rest. You need only close your eyes to access it. Special credit is owed to Jennifer Dumpert for her compelling research on the 'liminal'. Thank you for the inspiration!
In this practice, I borrow from the yogic concept of the 'chitt' or mind. We consider the mind as our sixth sense and liken it to a quilt, a vast collection of textures, patterns and colours unique to your experience. This nidra leads you towards exploring the 'patches' of your own unique 'quilt'.
Fall Nidra
Lean into the call of the season: fall requests that we go inside, holding the gratitude we have for the season that's passed. This is a guided practice that is designed to assist you with transitions and to hold steady amidst change.
A curious yoga nidrā that allows the practitioner to observe the breath. We start first by visualizing the physicality of the breath – the rise and fall of the diaphragm. From there, we move to enhanced imagery around the breath. This meditation is designed to connect you to the breathing process and to offer up love and attention to this essential feature of being human!
Sun and Moon Practice
This nidra invites you to dance across opposites in your body as you explore your right, solar side, and your left, lunar side. We close holding both at once. Participants will emerge refreshed and reminded of their innate capacity to hold life's complexities.
The Five Elements Practice
It is said that we are all unique combinations of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Map your awareness across your body and explore the five senses as they connect to these elements! This is a practice that will nudge you towards curiosity for all that is you.
The Simplicity Practice
This practice leans into the premise that rest doesn't need to be complicated. With simple words, an easeful practice unfolds. The opening prompt is a suggestion for the practice itself, or the week ahead: I keep it simple.
Brainwaves Practice
During nidrā our brains can seamlessly move us from the outer world to the inner world. We can tap into our dreamscape, into our home of creativity, in deep connection to our intuition. Neuroscientists call this a Theta brainwave pace. I call it Thetaland, and you're all invited.
Heart-centered practice
Listen to the quiet voice of the heart by setting up shop and seeing what comes up. This is an open-ended and spacious meditation allowing one to move and visualize energy in and around the heart centre.
Classic Nidra
A great beginner’s practice, we move from an awareness of the physical body to the deeper layers of the energetic, mental, wisdom, and bliss bodies. Each stage is like stepping out of your car on a road trip: have a look around, and see what there is to be seen. With clarity and kindness, participants move into the depths of their consciousness and back out.
The Gunas Practice
In yoga philosophy, it is said that we are made up of three strands of energy-- the still and formed; the moving and energetic; and the present and subtle. This yoga nidra practice guides you into observing all three with presence and kindness.
Nervous System Nidra
In this yoga nidra, we use what we know about the nervous system to encourage a relaxation response. I start with a quick intro to the active and passive sides of the automated nervous system and from there, we slide into a creative, curious, and ultimately restful practice.